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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to get children to try new foods!

Here are my tips for getting children to try new things:

1. Cook it the way you normally cook it. Put 2-3 on the plate. Admire the colour, texture, smell. Eat it first. Offer it to the child. This may take 5 exposures, but patienct and good humour will always help the process rather than yelling or threats.

2. Use a small amount of ketchup or other sauce to aid in the taste. I personally do not like brussels sprouts but with hollandaise sauce and or ranch, they are bearable.

3. Cook the food a dfferent way. Sometimes, cooked vegetables do not please, but raw ones taste better.

4. Tricky foods, like seafood, often do take repeat offers. One way is to use a building system: most kids like tuna fish. Then move to canned salmon. Cook a white flesh fish. Scallops often are accepted, as are mahi-mahi or chilean sea bass. Again, small portions, and the child not being tired help with the acceptance process, as do the fact that these should not be unfamiliar foods in the household.

5. Pair familiar foods with unfamiliar ones. For example, fish and chips is a good dish for introducing seafood. The familiar chips paired with a mild fish, again in small portions should brighten up most kids.

6. Eat outside and grill. Of course, weather permitting, but the smell of fresh air, combined with grilled food often induce a heartier appetite and desire to try the food.

Good luck and let me know how these tips work for you!

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